Sunday, November 22, 2009

Gawker Weddings

Here's something for a good laugh. I recently subscribed to Gawker since (unbeknownest to me) I was a featured artist on the site - um, go figure!

They have a section called "Scoring Sunday's Nuptials" spotting some pretty erm, hot, trends for weddings (think gangsta, mexican wrestling and midgets). Check it out for yourself.


  1. I love Gawker's snark, despite myself. And this NYT Wedding Review is always entertaining (and jaw-drop-inducing.)

    And, can we see more of your art, please? I like pretty and edgy things, and I like seeing more of them.

  2. you had me at mexican wrestling then sealed the deal with midgets.
    Congrats on being featured on Gawker that's awesome!!!


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